Saturday, March 3, 2012

Where Am I Going?

As of right now, my main struggle has been direction. For most of my life, the places I've gone have usually been determined by some source of authority (i.e. parents). I entered college with the pressure to pursue a career in which I had the slightest interest in. However, because I had no idea where I was exactly going, I decided to stay in the course even though I was failing. There was also a huge lack of motivation and NO peace. If I'm placed into a situation in which I lack peace then I know that I am out of God's will. For the believer that is Christ, peace is ALWAYS available no matter the situation (John 16:33). A person could be going through a hard season in life but, if it is God's will, then unexplained peace will almost always be available.
   Unfortunately, I ignored my feelings of peace, despair and lack of motivation and continued on in this major. After I received my results, I was most defiantly devastated. I realized that I was on the wrong course of the life God had planned out for me. And now I feel lost. I felt more lost than I ever had in life. I don't know where I am going. And I know that this feeling of being lost and insecure is not an accident. My Heavenly Father knows exactly what He's about to do and this season of my life is not a surprise to Him!
   I've realized that in my relationship with Christ, I've called Him my Lord and Saviour and sang all the hymns proclaiming it. But did I really surrender everything to Christ? Did I really depend on Jesus?
  I think God had to take me to this point of my life to test my trust in Him. To show me the areas in which I have not given Christ Lordship over. It's funny how I was oblivious to the fact that I have blocked Christ's Lordship over certain areas of my life!
  When we say we surrendered all to Christ.....Do we really mean that?
  When we say that Jesus Christ is our LORD and Savior.....Is He LORD every everything?
Let's examine ourselves and totally dig down within ourselves to see the areas that we are blocking God's presence from entering. You may be surprised at what you discover....

Throughout this process of trying to figure out where God is taking me...I have struggled.

I've struggled with identity, and I've struggled with my faith.

I've been frustrated, and frustration occurs when we decide to plan out our lives without the help of God when He is the author of our lives.

It's been a struggle. In the struggle my faith began to get shaky, my future seemed dark, and I stared to slip up as a believer.

In the midst of all this frustration and lack of peace, I turned to the Word and to music.

One of my favorite bands, Kings of Convenience have this beautifully crafted album titled, "Declaration of Dependence."

I never noticed the title before but, this time it really stuck out to me!

This season of my life is my Declaration of Dependence to God, my Father.

I'm lost and God knows that exact path I need to take in order to be found.

I need not rely on any man and place my TOTAL faith in God alone.

No one has the right to tell me how to live my life except for God. I cannot continue to live under the fear of man and the conformity of this world.


As followers of Christ, we are not called to conform but be transformed! (Romans 12:2)

I have to live out in faith no matter how crazy I may look.
Most of the people who lived their lives out in faith were looked at like fools, when in fact, they were teh true geniuses!

My prayer to my Heavenly Father is:

Heavenly Father,

Save me from myself!
Don't let me walk in my own way but, guide my steps.
Allow your glory to be lived out through me.
Let all fear be cast out as you perfect me in your love through the Holy Spirit's work.
Give me a discerning heart to know when I've stepped out of your will.
Allow the Holy Spirit to give me courage and boldness to do things in faith.
Help me to to see the glorious future you have in store for me no matter how dark things may seem.
keep me surrounded by those who trust in you and have surrendered their all to the cause of the Kingdom.
Give me a heart that loves YOU more than anything in this world.
Allow me to accept the person you have made me and to accept the people you have created.
Strengthen me on this journey of life and allow my life to be a testimony of your amazing grace and mercy.
In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Proverbs 3: 5-6

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths."  

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